Water Manager
Chuck Golden
518-283-5100 ext 110
Please leave a message during off hours & emergencies.
Water District #1
Poestenkill has approximately 400 homes hooked up to the municipal water system. Although we have lived through some difficulties that come with establishing a new water system, they are substantially behind us now. Our recent Annual Drinking Water Quality Report for 2020 has been approved by the Rensselaer County and New York State Health Department organizations and we are proud to report that our water system did not violate a maximum contaminate level or any other water quality standard. This office continually tests the water seven days a week as required by New York State Law and this office is vigilant in handling this responsibility.
We now have full pressure through most of the water district. From time to time you will see hydrants opened, running water either into the road or the swale. This is normal in the operation of the water district. We are required to flush sections of the pipe to either bring it on line or maintain the quality of water in a certain section. Except for emergency purposes no hydrant should be open at night. Our water is a valuable commodity. If someone is taking water without permission or without going through a meter, they are costing every resident of the water district money. Residents are reminded that nothing may be attached to a hydrant and you may not park in front of one. Report suspicious water related activity to 911 or call Bill Sansone the Town Water Operator
2023 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report
2021 Annual Drinking Water Report
2020 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report
2019 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report
2018 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report
2017 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report
2016 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report
2015 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report
2014 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report
2013 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report
2012 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report
Water Service Connection Application
Water District #2
This is for the potential creation of water district #2.
NYWIIA Grant for Water District #2
The Town Board of the Town of Poestenkill is pleased to announce that they have been awarded 3.32 million dollars in state funding from the WIIA grant to help with our efforts to bring safe drinking water to the residents of Poestenkill and the Averill Park School District. A total of 5 grants were awarded in the capital region. This grant will cover sixty percent of the estimated cost associated with creating a second water district covering Algonquin Middle School and the surrounding area to assist residents with addressing the PFOA contamination in their water. Additional funding has been requested through federal representatives including Representative Ryan, Senator Schumer and Senator Gillibrand through their federally earmarked allocations and the town is waiting to hear on the status of our request.
"On behalf of the Town of Poestenkill I would like to thank our legislative delegation, NYS Department of Health, Rensselaer County Department of Health and our staff here in the Town for their tireless efforts." Said Supervisor Hammond. "It is through our combined efforts that we will overcome the challenge that the PFOA contamination presents in our community's water. I look forward to continuing to work with our residents and funding partners to create a water system that will be able to provide safe potable water to our children and residents for years to come".
For only those people that live in the water district
Pools can be filled during hydrant flushing. But as stipulated in the Water District Law, there is a hydrant water sale fee of $20 per 1000 gallons. Service is only available to those in the water district, at that price.
From: Robert L. Brunet, P.E.–Water Manager / 811 /Public Health Coordinator
Date: November 10 , 2021
As a result of recent testing of 15 Poestenkill resident wells for the presence of bacteria, particularly Coliform and E-Coli, it is apparent that most well owners do not regularly test their wells for bacteria, as recommended by the DEC and are therefore not aware of dangerous bacteria in their water. Of these 15 wells recently tested 11 (73%) tested as “This result indicates that the water WAS NOT of a SATISFACTORY SANITARY QUALITY when sampled”. In each case the tests were positive for Total Coliform, none for E-Coli. The potential causes are many, but likely from animal feces on the ground which seep into our wells as a result of the heavy prolonged rainy periods this year. I, myself, had a positive result when I tested my well. The fix to disinfect our wells is relatively simple and I helped each of our residents perform the process.
Keith Hammond, Town Supervisor, approved our plan to aid the residents who would like to test their wells. Basically:
1 – I will maintain the test kits in my office and provide them to residents as requested.
2 – I will help the resident fill out the paperwork and arrange for the resident to drop off the water sample in my office, generally between 8 to 9 am, and I will take the samples to the lab, thereby saving the resident the trip.
3 – Included with the test sample the resident will include the $40 testing fee check to the lab for payment.
4 – The test results will generally be made available to the resident in about a week.
5 – For those residents’ whose wells fail, I will provide the details on how to disinfect their well.
6 – If a second “follow-up” test is desired, then we can follow the same procedure.
This is the procedure which I and 11 others have used and it is efficient and works well. If this has appeal to you please contact me, Bob Brunet and it will be my pleasure to help. E-mail: rlbrunet@cisbec.net, Office: 518-283-5100 Ext. 110, Cell: 518-542-4960.
In accordance with….