
Greg Pattenaude, Chair

Jeff Briggs, Council Member

James de Waal Malefyt, Council Member

Lydia Lake, Council Member

Walter Kersch, Council Member

Donald Sweezy, Council Member

Harvey Teal, Council Member



Article 1 of Chapter 16 provides for a Conservation Advisory Council. Legislative Intent: The preservation and improvement of the quality of the natural and man-made environment within the Town of Poestenkill, in the face of the population growth, urbanization and technologic change, with their accompanying demands on natural resources, are found to be of increasing and vital importance to the health, welfare and economic well-being of present and future inhabitants and require forthright action by the government body of the Town of Poestenkill. It is recognized that the biologic integrity of the natural environment on which man is dependent for survival and the natural and functional beauty of our surroundings which condition the quality of our life experience cannot be protected without the full cooperation and participation of all the people of the Town, working in partnership with local and state officials and with various public and private institutions, agencies and organizations. Establishment of a conservation advisory council is a necessary step in fostering unified action on environmental problems.

Powers and Duties:

The powers and duties of the Council shall be to:

A. Conduct researches into the land area of the Town of Poestenkill.

B. Seek to coordinate the activities of unofficial bodies organized for similar purposes and cooperate with other official municipal bodies active in the area of community planning for the Town of Poestenkill.

C. Advertise, prepare, print and distribute books, maps, charts, plans and pamphlets which the Council deems necessary for its work, in accord with the purposes of this article.

D. Keep an inventory and map as defined in § 239-y of the General Municipal Law of all open areas within the Town, with the plan of obtaining information pertinent to proper utilization of such open lands, including lands owned by the state, any other municipality within the state or by the Town of Poestenkill itself.

E. Keep an inventory and map of all open marshlands, swamps and other wetlands in a like manner, and may recommend to the Town Board of the Town of Poestenkill a program for ecologically suitable utilization of all such areas.

F. When authorized by resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Poestenkill, the Council may accept, by gift, grant, bequest or otherwise, money or other personal property in the name of the Town of Poestenkill for use in furtherance of this article.

G. Make written recommendation to the Town Board that the Town Board acquire, by purchase in fee or any lesser interest, through negotiation or by condemnation, such real or personal property as may be needed to fulfill the purposes of this article. Such real property may be accepted in fee or any lesser interest, including conveyance with limitations or reversions, for the purposes of this article.

H. Request the Department of Environmental Conservation to assist the Council in carrying out its functions, powers and duties by:

(1) Preparing reports outlining objectives, priorities and proposed relationships of the Council to the Town Board.

(2) Preparing a description of work to be undertaken, advantageous techniques to be used and suggested roles of Council members.

(3) Providing research on conservation facts and procedures.

(4) Providing, on a consulting basis, technical and research assistance as may be required to assist the Council in carrying out its work and to enable the Council to offer recommendations to the Town Board.

(5) Describing particular areas of natural resources within the Town of Poestenkill which require particular attention by the Council.

I. Carry out such other duties, tasks or responsibilities, consistent with the purposes of this article, as may be assigned from time to time by resolution of the Town Board.

J. Assist the Town Board of the Town of Poestenkill with recycling programs in the Town. The Council shall monitor both the residential recycling program and also the recycling practices used in Town buildings and facilities. The Council shall perform research and make recommendations on improving and making cost-efficient recycling in the Town of Poestenkill.

[Added 6-14-1995 by L.L. No. 1-1995]


This inventory was prepared by the Conservation Advisory Council.   Four separate documents make up the inventory including the NRI 2019 Final, NRI Maps and Appendix I & II.

Poestenkill Natural Resources Inventory

Appendix I: Ecological Site Descriptions

This appendix contains individual descriptions of the sites with important ecosystem complexes, exemplary natural communities, rare plant concentration areas, and important animal habitat listed in Sections 11.4.1, 10.2, 11.4.3, and 11.3, respectively. These sites are displayed on Maps 16A and 16B.

Many sites are important ecosystem complexes; see Section 11.4.1 for definitions of the different ecosystem complex types. Each ecosystem complex is made up of one or more ecosystem types as described in the overview section of each site description. Each ecosystem type in turn is made up of natural community types. An ecosystem complex may also support rare plant concentration areas and important animal habitats, and be part of an aquatic network and/or a large forest block.

NRI Appendix II
A report prepared by D Hunt.

Poestenkill NRI Maps
A compilation of various natural resource maps including: Base Map, Ariel View, Topography, Steep Slopes, Bedrock Geology, Surficial Geology, Soils, Drinking Water, Watersheds & Flood Zones, Stream Classifications, Stream Habitats, Wetlands, Regional Context, Land Cover, State Important Biodiversity Areas, County Important Biodiversity Areas, Large Forests, Climate Resiliency, Recreation & Scenic Resources, Existing Zoning, Existing Land Use, and Agricultural Resources.