Town Court
Fines and pleas may be mailed to:
PO Box 164
Poestenkill, NY 12140
518 283-5100 x105
Fax: 518-283-8821
Duties of Justice Court
Poestenkill Town Court handles criminal matters, traffic infractions/misdemeanors, small claims (up to $3,000), evictions, civil matters, agricultural & market law violations, ENCON offenses and town code violations.
Court Dates
Court is in session Monday evenings at 6:00p.m.
Pay Fines
Cash (in person only during court). By mail: Money Order or Certified Check payable to Poestenkill Town Court (no personal checks) or Credit Card Authorization Form.
Clerk Office Hours
Monday at 5:30pm.
Rensselaer County District Attorney Office
Gregory Kronau, Town Justice
Thomas Slavin, Town Justice
Public Defender
In order to obtain a public defender, you must be charged with a misdemeanor or felony and qualify financially. The application for services may be obtained from the court. The Rensselaer County Public Defender's Office number is: (518) 270-4030.
DIY Forms are available at: www.NYCourthelp.gov Submit the original Notice of Petition & Petition with $20 filing fee to secure a court date. The Notice of Petition & Petition must be served at least 10 days and not more than 17 days of the court date. Original Affidavit of Service of the Notice of Petition & Petition to be filed with the court no later than 3 days prior to the court date.
Small Claims
You can file a claim for money up to $1,000 ($10 filing fee) or up to $3,000 ($15 filing fee). The defendant must live or work or have a place for doing business or own property you are/were renting in NYS (and your claim is related to your tenancy/lease) in the Town of Poestenkill. If defendant does not live, work, or have a place for doing business or does not own property you are/were renting in NYS you cannot file a small claims court case.